Ngoh D.J. Patrice, Mboussi S. Bertrand, Heu Alain, Kuate T.W. Norbert, Asta D. Baba, Tchoupou T. D. Brice, Djile Bouba, Ambang Zachée


Cashew nuts (Anacardiumoccidentale L.) is one of the plants adapted in North and Far North of Cameroon after cotton. Nevertheless, the crop is susceptible to several pests and diseases like Red rust. The objective of this work was to characterize red rust disease and the micromorphology of the algal causal agent. Leaves with symptoms of each attacked tree (AB05-08 and AB 29 varieties) were randomly extracted for lesion characterization according to its size and number, in the three mains production sites, Maroua, Yagoua (Far North) and Garoua (North). The pathogen structures were characterized under light microscope. Incidence, severity and prevalence of disease were evaluated during the dry and rainy seasons. The most obvious symptom was small spots lesion, more or less circular with orange color on the upper leaf surfaces. The dimensions obtained for sporangia were 41.32-51.65 μm in length and 25.82- 30.95 μm in width. Number of sporangia varied from 0 to 6 depending on the season. Based on symptoms, micromorphology and according to literature, it was found that the disease was caused by the algae Cephaleurosvirescens. Incidence was very high in Maroua, whatever the season 51.67 and 64.17 % respectively. Severity was very low (less than 16%) whatever the site and season. The results of this study represent an important baseline data for the implementation of strategies against red rust in Cameroon. According to our knowledge, this is the first report of red rust on cashew in Cameroon.


Anacardium occidentale, red rust, Cephaleuros virescens, alga, incidence, severity

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