Muhammad Ashfaq, Arslan Khan, Samah B. Kayani


Urdbean leaf crinkle virus (ULCV) is a ubiquitous virus having colossal losses in urdbean and mungbean that spreads via all possible ways of virus transmission in Urdbean. ULCV causes variable losses that may range from 35- 94%, in mungbean and urdbean depending on host genotypes, by damaging and halting the plant growth at any stage. In infected plants, change in histopathological, physiological and biochemical behavior that results in high sugar contents, amino acid contents, total protein contents, phenol contents, increase in peroxidase activity with the decrease in chlorophyll contents, and superoxide dismutase activity. The development of ULCV disease has a direct correlation with favorable environmental factors such as 35-42 oC as the maximum temperature and 21-29 oC as the minimum temperature. Whereas, wind movement, rainfall and relative humidity have no impact on disease progression. The management of ULCV is possible by adopting various approaches like the selection of healthy seeds, seed treatment, screening of germplasm, induced/ acquired systemic resistance in host, and by application of balanced nutrients to the plants. In the future, the work should be done on the molecular characterization of this virus to devise an effective and accurate management plan.


Urdbean, Urdbean leaf crinkle virus, Germplasm, Induced systemic resistance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33866/phytopathol.033.01.0665


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