Yaseen Khan, Amir Sohail, Tabassum Yaseen, Khushnood U. Rehman, Muhammad Noor, Kamran Akbar


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is one of the important micro-bionta, which has a huge influence on plant nutrients. In the past, the application of poultry litter has been well studied in various crops such as wheat, maize and sugarcane. However, the poultry litter under AMF has been poorly studied in some crops including lens Esculenta. In order to investigate the effect of AMF with poultry litter on lens Esculenta, an experiment was conducted in the year of 2020-2021 in Bacha Khan University, Pakistan. AMF increased plant biomass, as well as biochemical and microbial status, according to the results. The control parameters were compared to the treated plant under all conditions i.e treatment (T1) and treatment (T2), where treated plants, the Lens esculenta s show the maximum growth. The plant height in T1 is 16.40% with compared to T2 is 17.40%. 2) No of leaves in T1 is 10.16% with compared to T2 44.8%. The leaf area in T1 is 0.4952% with compared to T2 is 0.6018%. The ratio of chlorophyll a content in T1 is 0.112 with compared to T2 is 0.275, the ratio of chlorophyll b in T1 is 0.341 with compared to T2 0.538. T1 has a fresh shoot weight of 12.35gm compared to T2's 27.79gm, while T1 has a dry shoot weight of 2.99gm compared to T2's 6.3gm. The weight of fresh root in T1 is 0.81gm vs 1.01gm in T2, while the weight of dried root in T1 is 0.28gm vs 0.34gm in T2. These results indicates the response of AMF was high with poultry littler, this indicates the AMF could increase the Lens esculenta’s growth and productivity under poultry littler.


Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Lens esculenta, Growth, yield, Poultry litter

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