Field and laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of cultivar and inoculation method on the incidence of corn stalk and kernel rots caused by Stenocarpella maydis (Berk.) Sutton. Seven high-yielding corn cultivars were evaluated in the laboratory and in the field for reaction to the diseases. Bisi 226 had the lowest incidences of stalk rot. Bisi 2 had the lowest incidence of ear rot but not significantly different from Bisi 321 and NK 6172. Thus, the cultivars tested reacted differently to stalk rot and ear rot. Bisi 226 reacted strongly resistant to stalk rot and resistant to ear rot. Bisi 321 was resistant to both the stalk rot and ear rot diseases. Bisi 2, NK 6172, and JH 29 were moderately resistant and resistant against the stalk rot and ear rot diseases, respectively. Nasa 29 reacted resistant and moderately resistant to stalk rot and ear rot diseases, respectively. While JH 37 was moderately resistant to both diseases. For the incidence of kernel rot and the percentage of yield loss, again, Bisi 226 exhibited the lowest among the tested cultivars. Based on the percentage of the rot kernels, all cultivars reacted similarly to the kernel rot disease in both artificial inoculation and natural inoculation experiments. Therefore, artificial inoculation in the laboratory could be used to separate resistant cultivars from susceptible ones under a homogeneous environment.
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