Muhammad U. Ghazanfar, Asfand Y. Ali, Waqas Raza, Waqas Wakil, Muhammad A. Ahmad, Hafiz M.A Ayoub


Sheath blight (ShB) of rice caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn is the most vital disease this is a serious issue in high-yielding rice production systems. It is a significant issue with the rice producing system's high yielding types. The pathogen has a very wide host range and due to non-availability of resistant cultivars, the management of ShB primarily depends upon chemical control while the chemical control is not eco-friendly and is also dangerous for human health. However, the disease can be managed with botanical pesticides and biological agents. This study was planned with the objective to manage this disease with eco-friendly approaches. Different species of Trichoderma and plant extracts were evaluated under the laboratory conditions with dual culture technique and poisoned food technique respectively. Results showed that all bio-controls and plant extracts significantly inhibited mycelial growth of R. solani at different exposure intervals (5, 10 and 15 day) (P<0.05). In fungal bio-control, the highest percent inhibition was given by T. harzianum followed by T. atroviride on all incubation intervals. The lowest percent inhibition was 55%, 69 and 79% given by T. viride. All plant extracts significantly inhibited the mycelium growth of R. solani (P<0.05). Maximum percent inhibition was observed in case of neem followed by garlic, eucalyptus, and the minimum percent inhibition was exhibited by mint on 5, 10 and 15 days of incubation intervals.


Plant extracts; inhibition; mycelial growth; R. solani; S. oryzae.

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