Response of Bean Plant Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease by Application of Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Trichocompost
Increasing crop production still has challenges in the form of disease-causing pathogen attacks. Thus, improving crop production should go hand in hand with enhancing plant resistance to diseases. This study aimed to determine the response of growth and yield of bean plants and their resistance to bacterial leaf blight on the application of doses of liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) and trichocompost. The research was conducted from March to July 2024 at UGTechnoPark, Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia, with coordinates -6.761864, 107.210279 at 392 meters above sea level. The research design used was a Factorial Randomized Complete Group Design. The first factor was the dose of banana waste LOF, consisting of 4 treatment levels: 0 mL/plant, 150 mL/plant, 200 mL/plant, and 250 mL/plant. The second factor was the dose of trichocompost, consisting of 3 treatment levels: 0 g/plant, 100 g/plant, and 200 g/plant. The parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of compound leaves (strands), root length (cm), root wet weight (g), root dry weight (g), pod length (cm), pod fresh weight (g), pod dry weight (g), number of pods per plant, disease incidence, disease severity, AUDPC, and plant resistance response to bacterial leaf blight. The results showed that the provision of trichocompost can increase the resistance of bean plants to bacterial leaf blight disease, which was previously susceptible to moderate resistance. This finding can be a recommendation for bean farmers to apply organic materials enriched with beneficial microbes to be one component in integrated disease control and support sustainable agriculture.
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