Article I: Name 1
The name of the society shall be “Pakistan Phytopathological Society”.
The headquarters of the society shall be located at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Article II: Aims and Objectives
The objectives of the society shall be:
To promote among the members an awareness of the ideology of Pakistan, to foster true morality in consonance with tenets of Islam and identification with national goals.
To promote and disseminate knowledge of all branches of Plant Pathology.
To encourage and to promote interest in all disciplines of Plant Pathology.
To do and perform all other acts that may assist in the above mentioned objects.
Article III: Membership
The society shall consist of :
Members, Life Members, Associate Members, Honourary Fellows, Corporate Members
Persons holding degree in Plant Pathology/Plant Protection / Botany and engaged in teaching, research or extension in Plant Pathology/Plant Protection will be eligible to become members of the society. Those seeking membership shall apply to the secretary on the prescribed application from, duly proposed by a member and accompanied by the admission and membership fee. The executive council of the society shall confirm the membership of the applicant in the next meeting provided all the formalities are complete.
Life Members:
Members who pay dues equivalent to ten years dues for a member.
Associate Members:
Post-graduate students in the Plant Pathology/Plant Protection shall be eligible for associate membership.
Honourary Fellows:
A person may be conferred the honorary fellowship of the society in recognition of his long and distinguished career in Plant Pathology/Plant Protection. The proposal for honorary fellowship is to be submitted in writing to the secretary by six members and it would be approved by 2/3rd majority vote in the General Body Meeting. The number of honorary fellows shall not exceed ten at any one time. They shall be exempted from payment of all dues and shall enjoy all the privileges of members.
Corporate Members:
Private firms dealing with scientific equipment and supplies may become corporate members. Their names shall appear in a list in the Pakistan Journal of Phytopatholgy.
Article IV: Subscription
Members Rs. 200/- per annum
Life Members Equivalent to ten years dues of a member
Associate Members Rs. 100/- per annum
Honourary Fellows None
Corporate Members Rs. 10,000/- per month
Article V: Privileges
A member/life member/honourary fellow of the society shall be entitled:
To vote at all general and extra-ordinary meetings.
To propose candidates for admission into the society.
To propose and second resolutions.
To be proposed and be elected for any office of the society.
To present papers at all meetings.
To get papers published in the journal of the society if accepted for publication.
To receive the journal of the society free of cost.
The Associate Members shall receive the journal of the society free of cost and can present papers at meeting and get their papers published in the journal if accepted. They shall have no right to vote or hold any office.
Article VI: Management
The affairs of the Society shall be managed by an Executive Council Consisting of the following officers and six members elected from among the Members/Life Members/Honourary Fellows. The outgoing president and secretary shall become ex-officio members of the next Executive Council. The quorum for Executive Council meeting shall be six.
1. President:
He/she shall preside over all the meetings of the society and the executive council and shall regulate all the proceeding therein. He/she shall, in case of equality of votes, have a double or casting vote.
2a. Regional Vice President:
One each from the provinces of Pakistan and one from AJ & K and Federally Administrated Areas including Islamabad, with condition that for the election of a Vice President, a minimum membership of ten persons from that province or AJ & K & Federally administrative areas is a prerequisite.
2b. Senior Vice President:
A Vice President may also be nominated by the executive council as Senior Vice President who should take all the duties of President in his absence.
3. Secretary:
He/she shall exercise supervision of the affairs of the society and shall be responsible to the president and the executive council for the proper conduct of all correspondence on behalf of the society. He/she shall present minutes of all meetings and shall maintain records and an up-to-date list of Members, Life Members, Associate Members, Honourary Fellows and Corporate members with their latest addresses.
4. Joint Secretary:
He/she shall assist the general secretary in the conduct of affairs of the society and shall act as secretary in his/her absence.
5. Treasurer:
He/she shall be responsible of receiving subscriptions and other dues, payable to the society and for the disbursement of all money payable by the society. He/she shall maintain accounts of the society and submit financial and audit reports to the executive council as and when required, and to the general body at the general body meeting.
Article VII: Meetings:General Body
The general body shall consist of office bearers, the members of the executive council and the members (three categories, members, life members & honorary fellows). Fifteen or 1/5th of the total members/ fellows, whichever is more, shall constitute the quorum. In case of lack of quorum after an hour of the scheduled time, the General Body Meeting shall stand adjourned, to meet again on another date; no quorum will be necessary for the adjourned meeting.
a- General Body Meeting
It shall be held once in two years. It shall transact the following business.
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s report including statement of receipts and expenditures, audited accounts and budget proposals for the coming years.
Elections of the office bearers of the society.
b- Extra-Ordinary General Body Meeting
An extra-ordinary general body meeting may be called by the president in order to transact any special business.
The extra-ordinary general body meeting shall be called by the secretary on at least 15 days written notice to all the members(three categories mentioned above) giving the agenda, date, time and place of the meeting to be held.
In case no General Body Meeting is held in a year, the report of the secretary and Treasurer will be circulated by post among the members.
No other business except that given in the agenda will be transacted at an extra-ordinary meeting.
Quorum for an extra-ordinary meeting shall be the same as for the General Body Meeting.
An extra-ordinary meeting shall stand dissolved in the absence of quorum.
Article VIII: Funds and Accounts
The accounts of the Society shall be subject to examination by an auditor appointed by the Executive Council.
All money received shall be regularly deposited into the recognized bank by the Treasurer in the bank account of the Society.
The president can sanction an expenditure of up to Rs. 5000/-. All expenditures over Rs. 5000/- will have to be approved by the Executive Council. In case of payment of printing charges of the journal, the President can sanction an amount of up to half of the cost of the journal that would be got approved by the Executive Council in its next meeting.
Money will be withdrawn from the bank with the signatures of both the Treasurer and Secretary.
The Executive Council shall be empowered to raise and receive donations and bequests.
Article IX:
The term of the office of the office-bearers and members of the Executive Council shall be two years starting from Ist January and ending on 31st December of the following year.
The election process shall be initiated at least three months before the expiry of each term. After election all the office bearers and the members of the Executive council shall be deemed to have ceased holding office on 31st of December. The new office bearers shall assume office on the following day, the 1st of January.
The executive council shall appoint an election committee / Commissioner to conduct elections.
The proposals for the election of the office bearers and the members of the Executive Council shall be invited by an Election Committee/Commissioner appointed by the Executive Council.
All proposals shall be made and duly seconded by the Members in writing.
The Election Committee/Commissioner shall issue a list of candidates, for various offices, duly proposed and seconded for election through postal secret ballot. The election should normally be completed in 30 days and results announced a month before the expiry of the term .
A candidate shall be declared to have been elected by a simple majority vote.
Any vacancy caused in the Executive Council shall be filled in by the President with approval of the Executive Council.
A person shall not be elected for the same office for more than three consecutive terms.
Article X:
Amendments in the constitution Any change in the constitution may be made by a two third majority vote in a general body meeting or by postal ballots. All changes proposed must be supported by at least 10 Members/Fellows.
Article XI:Publications of the Society
The regular publication of the Society will be known as ” Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology” to be published twice a year viz; in the month of June and December and Newsletter to be published in the month of March and September. Special publications of the Society may be published as and when required and duly approved by the Executive Council. The cost of the journal and other publications shall be determined by the Executive Council.
The Editorial Board shall comprise of Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor and as many members nominated by the Executive Council as it feels necessary. The board shall be responsible for all matters concerning the publication of the Society.
The term of office of the members of the Editorial Board will be three years that may be extended to any number of years or terms by the Executive Council.
In case of any difficulty with regard to any member, the Executive Council may nominate a new member/members at any time during the term for the rest of the period of the term provided a written request is made by the Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor.
The Editor-in-Chief/Managing Editor shall get sanctions for all the expenditures from the President/Executive council as the case may be.